
The Reiki energy helps clear the block and installs new, clean, functioning energy in the body. I use some form of psychic reading. Spirit communication and Reiki in every coaching session. It helps the client get a clearer picture of his problem and creates an awareness of his mind-body-spirit connection.

Energy with effective coaching will give you a great, fast, and effective remedy for conquering and managing daily stress, healing your body, mind and reuniting us with your wise Spirit.
What is Reiki?


“Reiki is Universal Life Energy- a balanced energy flowing through the therapist that brings about healing,” according to Reiki Hands that Heal by Joyce J Morris, the Reiki master teacher.

She also explained in this book the benefits of using Reiki on mind-body-emotions.
“Reiki works on different levels. On the physical level, Reiki helps to bring balance so the body can heal itself— burn heat faster, mend breaks sooner, and stop bleeding faster.

“On the mental level, Reiki restores a state of balance to the mind, making it easier to learn and enabling clarity to become part of everyday life.

“With emotional balancing, the everyday ups and downs of life are more manageable.”

Spiritually, Reiki helps balance the body’s energy field, making it easier to meditate, pray, listen to the inner voice, and act on higher guidance.


Reiki means the “laying on of hands.” A Reiki practitioner lays her hands on you and assists the flow of energy through the body. “It’s the perfect way to heal the body and restore your natural life force flow— your natural energy. You are a latticework of energies,” says Donna Eden in her pioneering book, ENERGY MEDICINE.

My clients and I experience Reiki as a deep relaxing state where it feels like all daily stress has been siphoned out of you and you have the most relaxing full body rest.

Animals experience Reiki as a very relaxing, pleasant experience. A horse I was working on stood very still for awhile, then moved her head to help the energies realign and indicate to me that she needed and wanted small doses of energy. Then she came back to me for more, stood still longer this time, and kept moving away and coming back even pushing other horses away so she could get more energy.

Dogs love Reiki. They also monitor the amount they can accept, can stand still and become very calm and sometimes even sleepy. When they want more, they nudge your hand or climb into your lap. It’s a very refreshing experience for both of us.


In spiritual communities of California, psychic readings were popular. Psychic readings are translations of the energy blocks or flow messages in the body. For example, if you are having a problem with another person and the discord between you two is so bad, you can’t speak to each other, a trained psychic reader can get to the heart of the matter— the “why” you two are having disharmony. This reading will look at the emotional and mental issues related to the situation and release them.

This can also be used for individual health issues, career “stuckness,” and personal habits.

It works because ascended beings also give you information about the issue. It also works because the client will receive a practical, deep answer, new helpful insights or resources, information from their intuition, and a warm gut feeling that the reading was correct.


The Spiritual world has a completely different perspective on the human earth experience or your problem. They see everything through the lens of your spiritual growth. Every challenge, problem, or pain is about releasing a certain negative energy feeling or thought that will put you back in alignment with the positive energy flow of your spirit.


Our spirit can talk to us in many different ways. It can feel like a hunch, a yearning, an urge, a spontaneous idea, a direct message like the one I mentioned, or it can happen with off-handed comment from another person that strikes you as true,

This communication can also come in the form of a barrier or block to a project you have been working on, or the lack of cooperation from a person you were counting on, or a financial problem.

Spirit can also speak through psychic readers, channels and Reiki/energy work practitioners.
I’m going to list some tools I know and use that work really well.


Have you ever had a direct message from your Spirit?
Did you recognize it as guidance?

When I was 40 an inner voice popped into my head and screamed at me- repeating one word “California” every few minutes every waking moment all day and all night for a full month. It only stopped when I boarded the bus for California.

California opened my world to learning about energy, working with different healing modalities, and a new career in physical and energy healing. It was the growth opportunity I needed to move out of my “stuck” and into more contentment with my life.

I had no choice but to listen and I’m so glad I did. It was my Spirit directing me in a manner that surpassed my logic and in a direction that answered my heart’s desires.

I feel totally blessed to be able to sit and hear or give this channeled advice. Hearing and feeling the power of spiritual archangel wisdom blows my mind. It was like having access to the wisdom of heaven right here on Earth. I still have that feeling.

Many people have nodded their agreement with the channeled messages, or just smiled broadly when I finished. I knew they were hearing the message.

Here is one comment from a client after a session.

I found our session together to be immensely valuable. I was blown away by her ability to finely tune into Archangel Michael. Not only was she able to provide me with insights into my blocks, but she was able to use her hypnotherapy background to uncover the block so I can talk to my higher self. This release gave me satisfaction, and confirmed what I have been trying to do along but with limited success: connect with my higher self to find my life purpose. With Amber’s assistance, I’m able to see myself connecting with my higher self, and instead of demanding a response, I ask for assistance in whatever form my higher self wants to show me.

~ Sonal Mukhi