With Intuitive Art & Science

Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself.
~ George Bernard Shaw
When your HSP sensitivities need to be freed from the controlling memories of the past,
expressive and intuitive creativity will lead us back to ourselves. Journaling can reveal the
answers to our challenges. It will help HSP and PTSD people mend past wounds and open to
self expression. — Amber DeAnn HSP, PTSD survivor, life coach.
Blossoming Through Self-Expression & Neuroscience.
What happens when we feel free to express ourselves through art, or poetry, journaling, and merge this creativity with a shifting of our mindset and self-image. We find we can expand our potential, shift our life perspectives, and create new possibilities in our life.
I love helping people who feel “stuck” in an old mindset, or who are struggling with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), childhood abuse, or feeling trapped in HSP (highly sensitive people) syndrome.
Once the woundedness of our past is healed, our barriers will dissolve, our unique self expression will bloom. Then we can find our self actualization. That will happen through ZOOM meetings and the classes.
Coaching by Amber is transformational life coaching helping HSP (highly sensitive people) and survivors of PTSD shift past experiences into soul warming authenticity.
Let your loving, peaceful side out and reconnect to nature and pets.

HSP and PTSD survivor, life coach Amber DeAnn.

Our Services
Scroll to view our various life-coaching services.

Intuitive Art & Journaling
Unearth your buried feelings, expand your inner wisdom, enliven your playful creativity through Zoom classes.
Community (HSP & PTSD)
Dealing with trauma (PTSD), healing your challenging childhood issues and learning to utilize your sensitive power skills as a HSP requires connecting with like minded people. Fun, personal growth and finding safety and connection with others are big rewards.
Reiki is an effective, fast technique to boost energy levels, remove negative energy and bolster life affirming energy. Both humans and pets need energy boosts.
Disarming PTSD with art, poetry and Intuition presents a roadmap for identifying, understanding and healing post traumatic stress disorder from child abuse. IT will show you what PTSD looks and feel like.

Other Healing Resources

Release Your Magical Child
My PTSD recovery journey is revealed in this unusual story about Camillia, an debt counselor, living both in a real world of traumatized debtors and her own abusive childhood nightmares. The way back to sanity and freedom is through the emotions.
Mental Reset
Power tools & a strategy to reset your mind for success is a self help, interactive ebook with practical steps to shift your mindset and self image for a personal success and inner willpower.

How would you feel and be if you could come out of confusion and disharmony into freedom of authentic expression and inner peace?
I was incredibly depressed with low self esteem, but Amber was able to guide me to the root cause of it all. Now I feel free, alive light, happy and most of allI have accepted my past and can finally move forward to better things. It was an incredible experience and it has motivated me to better myself mentally as well as pursue my passions again. The negativity that I carried before i met Amber is gone. Thanks.
~ Mary A.
Amber Deann’s hypno therapy was a god sent.. she helped me go back in time and take back my power from situation that happened in my past… I feel so much stronger since I had the therapy. . 🙂 ty Amber you are a true angel. .. hugz
~ Meg
How would you feel and be if you could come out of confusion and disharmony into freedom of authentic expression and inner peace? Let an PTSD survivor, HSP, and experienced life coach help you explore the art and expressive tools that will merge your intuition, thoughts, and feelings and help you create to heal.
Freedom is from Within — Knowing your Inner conflict
— Frank Lloyd Wright (famous American architect)
Inner conflict arises when we are not living the way our Soul wants us to live.
— Frank Lloyd Wright (famous American architect)
We solve this by reconnecting to our body-mind-feelings-soul presence seeking self expression. We go on a journey now— like gold mining. We are searching not for gold this time, but for the essence of us
— Amber DeAnn
Coaching by Amber
Get the help you need to live a happy fulfilled life. Coaching by Amber can help you achieve the happiness you deserve.