Do you feel alienated from others? or blocked from living your own potential?

Staying in feelings of loneliness, and disconnected from others will lower your self-esteem and further isolate you from others. It will also repress your gifts and
increase feelings of negativity and anger at the world. This has been my experience and I see it in others.

What shifts these feelings is being a part of something greater than yourself.

Being a part of art classes, poetry readings, discussion sessions, Goddess meditations have definitely helped me raise my self esteem. I’ve seen the same shift
happen in others when I see their morose faces suddenly smile with joy and aliveness when they participate in creative community events.

Joining in a community of like minded, progressive oriented people can bring you the

* Calm your fears of being sensitive

* Learn practical tips for calming your nerves and boosting your self-confidence in dealing with difficult people.

* Opening your yearnings by exploring new creative pursuits

* Growing your resilience and strength to face life’s challenges and difficult people

* Giving you a chance to articulate and voice your thoughts, and feelings

* Discover how your sensitivities and personal insights can help boost the confidence of others

* Laugh. share personal stories and emotionally connect with others.


Women buzzing with joy, chatting like parrots, getting cozy on the sofas for an afternoon of inner exploration and food. Then the facilitator asks questions, we start
writing and sharing our thoughts. Wow. The energy in the room shifts immediately. We
are all on a quest right now.

I remember feeling proud of myself and comfy with my personal healing path when I
shared at a Goddess emotional healing event. Coming from a repressive family, it felt
like I was honoring myself, moving out of shaming, ridiculing and belittling mental tapes
playing in my head. It felt so empowering and refreshing like an active 30-minute swim.


Another time several people met to play instruments— type of instruments from pan drums, to African drums, to Native American drums, rattles, metal triangles, etc. After a
warmup, someone started a melody and spontaneously we all joined in letting the melody move into different rhythms. It all sounded amazing and was so uplifting. I remember leaving the room feeling so high vibrational, so happy, so proud to be part of
a music adventure that it fed my soul for days

Emotions affect thoughts and thoughts affect emotions. It’s a circular cause-and-effect situation.


As a PTSD/HSP survivor, I’ve had some fantastic healing experiences.


I started my journey back to wellness with the 12 step writing program. The questions in that
workbook forced my mind to question what I was thinking, my thoughts to confront my feelings,
my brain to open my memories and my soul to yearn to find the answers. It helped me to see my
HSP traits.

Finger Painting

Several years ago when I lived in California, I accepted an invitation to finger paint in a friend’s basement. Large sheets of paper were attached to easels, One table held all the plastic jugs of paint and the paint dishes. I grabbed one, paused, watched the others and jumped right in. As I
reached my fingers into the paint an innate feeling overtook me. It was so familiar, like I had
done it ages, eons ago and forgotten about it. The joy of stroking my hands across the paper and
watching the curves and swirls appear was so joyful to me that I giggled with glee.


My finger painting I was connecting to my innate creativity, imagination, spontaneousness and
independent will power– my Inner Child traits

Our inner child needs of tactile sensations, fun, color, creativity, spontaneity, connection to our intuition and freedom to play exist within each and everyone of us at all ages— from birth till death.

At my booth at the Mystic Festival I’ve facilitated painting adventures for adults and finger painting adventures for kids. All ages of humans were able to really sink into the experience, loving it, smiling, telling me, “Wow, that was fun.”



Many therapists and HSP’s know that writing, intuitive art, energy and imagination are great
tools to heal our life challenges. It’s the best and fastest way to heal anxiety, depression, fear.

I invite you to join me in person through meetups or online through ZOOM and explore your
inner dimensions, and talk to your thoughts, feelings, wounds, and confusion through journaling
and art— it’s called story painting. Yes, we will also share feelings, stories, inspiration, and
laughter. We will also be building a community of fulfilled, healthier and happier HSP people.

It’s a great way to contact your subconscious which deals with pictures and it’s hidden wisdom
and calm your conscious mind wrangling with thoughts, memories, experiences and difficult people.

Once you manage your emotions, a New You appears. Your personality, your face in the world, becomes visible to everyone and attracts to you the right opportunities for your well-being through the Law Of Attraction. This is the coveted synchronization we all crave.

Once you are calm and centered in self love, your gifts will arise and you will know the way to
help the new world we are collectively creating.

Are you ready to feel inspired? uplifted and united with others?
Are you ready to use your reflective nature, deep thinking ability, compassion and
passion and help fellow HSP’s?

Join my community. Just click on the link below. And we will connect and grow
together soulfully.