Emotions are powerful and necessary tools to help us navigate life, protect us from danger to the body and help us connect with the joys of life and being with others. But when we experience repeated abusive childhood and harsh life experiences, our mental and emotional stability can be shaken, and we can feel like we have been dropped into the churning waters of the ocean of life.
Then, we can feel overwhelmed, fall into a negative “poor me” or obsessive mindset, and unconsciously drift into an isolated lifestyle.
These feelings and our unproductive lifestyle can be shifted with our inner creativity or expressive resources, such as our ability to play, create, imagine a different lifestyle, paint, draw, do nature art, or collage our inner feelings and sensations.
With this energy around us, we can bust through mental energy blocks, feel the joy of being in a quiet, expanded field of consciousness, and hear the personal direct messages of our souls.
The power of play soothes our nerves, clears our “stuck” energy, reconnects us to the joy of Inner Child fun, and merges us with Universal energies of possibility.
The art in the museum was captivating—the bold vibrant colors in the paintings pulled me into it’s experience.. The colors danced through my body, the simplicity of the strokes tickled my mind, the bravery of the painting excited my creativity. I made a decision to paint—to paint intuitively.
The power of play gushed from my Inner Child as my fingers joyfully painted on a large sheet of paper. I squealed with delight. I was lost in the colors.
Years later, I sat with my feelings of darkness, my aching heart, and my will to express myself. I picked up the paint brush. I felt the freedom, the specialness of the quiet spontaneity as my brush moved across the canvas. It was as if I was totally alive, in sync with expression, a deep part of me that had wanted to paint for a long time.
I collected nature objects, ie twigs, flowers, shells, milkweed pods leaves, dried flowers, etc.
Allowing my intuition to arrange them I received the joy of having a beautiful collage natural
design and the freedom of being in flow.
Here are some of my nature art pictures.
Flora Bowley, artist and author of Brave Intuitive Painting, summarizes her intuitive painting
experience with these words—
“After many years of following my heart, I now understand that the very act of pure expression does change the world. It changes the world by changing everyone brave enough to pick up a
paintbrush, open themselves up to the unknown, and express themselves
honestly and intuitively. It is through this kind of heartfelt expression that truths are revealed, lives transformed, and new worlds are born.”
Watching seniors smile from their hearts as they painted spontaneously (with brushes) and
engrossed young children dip their fingers in the paint and explore new designs showed me that
we all have the capacity for self-expression and fun.
Georgia O’Keeffe has been called “the mother of American Modernism.” She painted close-ups
of flowers, New Mexico landscapes, and New York City buildings. She is chiefly known for
paintings in which she synthesizes abstraction and representation in paintings of flowers, rocks,
and shells.
Georgia OKeeffe’s comments on painting, “I found I could say things in color and shapes that I
couldn’t any other way. — things I had no other words for.
It is my goal to share with you the insights, tools, and resources that will help you access the joys
of inner self-expression and feel the sting of anger, fear, resentment, deprivation, and betrayal
melt away.
Imagine the joy of sharing your most original designs with like-minded others and being part of a community of other PTSD survivors sharing, caring, and freeing their lives.
Join me on ZOOM and let’s paint our experiences and grow into creativity together.
On a recommendation from a 12 step counselor, I started to journal. At first all that poured out
of me was a string of anger at Mom, anger at Dad, anger at brother sentences. Having lived
with these thoughts forever, I was bored and frustrated and disillusioned.
So I changed my writing technique and almost instantly a different type of sentence appeared.
One that had some wise information to share with me from a deep place inside me— the Soul.
Yes, I was shocked but my Soul had an answer and an insight that I needed to hear. It was
Once you get comfortable with different ways of journaling, you can achieve amazing results
quickly and easily. Once you take action on this information you can solve life’s problems
Journaling is a transformation tool used to help you find answers to your questions
about your life such as:
● What am I feeling right now?
● Why do I have this negative thought?
● What do I need to do to fix or heal this situation?
● It seems my actions do not align with who I want to be. Why?
● Why do I do actions that keep me “stuck”?
● Why are my actions sabotaging my goals?
Journaling, if done correctly, can be as effective as hypnotherapy, but a lot faster and
Both techniques will provide you with answers to help you better understand your
behavior, understand others in your life, and solve problems.
Journaling will help you access information about your life history and the current
feelings that are stored in your subconscious.
Journaling can be used to:
• Discover/release the energy causing confusion, a feeling of “stuckness”
• Discover /release your mental and emotional blocks
• Understand more clearly the behavior of your family, friends, lovers, coworkers
• Clear relationship issues
• Reconnect to your Inner personal power
• Change habits
• Shift mindset and self-esteem
• Release anger/fear, resentment & judgment
• Develop a deeper understanding of yourself
• Increase your self love, and self acceptance
• Connect you with your passions, interests and skills
• Clear family and childhood programming
• Be able to forgive old emotional and mental hurts
Inner inspection is the most valuable resource you have to shift your life, if you use it
My inner inspection revealed some crucial information about a problem I was having.
After my divorce I felt numb, weak, drained of all joy, living in a bleak “Now what”
state. I started to write my feelings—loneliness, guilt, shame, confusion, resentment all
flowed onto the page. Then I asked “Why? Why was this happening to me? Why did I
marry him?” The answer popped onto the page— “You married him to escape your
Mom. Love had nothing to do with it.”
While journaling will answer your questions, and the “Why” of human behaviors, energy
work will give you the energetic and emotional release you seek. Then Reiki and several other energy modalities are very effective at moving out “stuck” negative, resentful attitudes.
I used to help my clients with hypnotherapy. Now I use other techniques that work better and faster.
Here are some hypnotherapy comments: