About Amber

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then
do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

— Howard Thurman, ( African-American preacher in San Francisco in 1970’s)

Childhood should be about finding your talents, interests, developing social skills, being
creative, having fun, exploring new adventures. This is what child’s play is about.

But if you have a restrictive parent, like one who forbids you from doing these activities and
listening to music, or painting, singing, dancing, etc. you grow up with “developmental
Trauma.” This means i did not have a foundation to my life which meant i was a stranger to
myself. I could not move forward into a career because I did not know myself.

PTSD, and especially the developmental and restrictive childhood PTSD that I had, definitely made me feel like an outcast from society, gave me some unproductive behaviors like
addiction to sugar, isolation, codependency, and created my anger-is-fuel mindset.

The path of recovery from these issues also brought me into my creative, artistic skills,
my Spirit connection, energy healing skills, and a deeper understanding of human foibles and strengths, and ancestral wounds, self-love, and personal healing techniques. In short, it
brought me into higher consciousness.

But the journey back to wholeness and back to your true self demands that we develop some
new skills, and the first one is Courage.

While cleaning up the sixth mess made by my dysfunctional, sloppy roommates in my house in
California, exasperation, fatigue, and body aches pinged my mind like hailstones. Then I heard
my inner self say, “Enough! I’m not taking this anymore!.”

I’m not taking this anymore referred to the subservient female life I had been brought up in, the
sugar, work, and anger addiction that I lived in my childhood, the conformity of women to
traditional jobs, and marriage, people pleasing, common society views on life.

It was time to figure out what I really wanted and who I really was.

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”
~ Oprah Winfrey


Common life experiences like going to school and getting a good job, doing clerical work like
other women, buying a house, and getting roommates did not work for me. Neither did feeling
controlled by Mom and her rules, Dad and his work-addicted lifestyle, or Grandma and her

My heart wanted to be free, my mind wanted to create, and my spirit wanted to learn about
spirituality and explore the world of creativity—art, poetry, and film.

So I had to make the commitment to heal myself, manage my emotions and thoughts, find my
unique path through life, trust my intuition, and let it guide me. It brought the emotional intelligence and intuition that would protect, guide, and direct me

through all my decisions, a yearning to play with energy healing and learn energy reading and a love for art, painting, acting, and film, the courage to write my story exposing child abuse, write poetry that expresses true human feelings and unique ideas in screenplays.

Self-actualization was really my goal. It’s probably your goal, too.

As an HSP life coach, energy worker, writer, poet, and budding artist, I would love to help you break your life experience reactions, move out of “stuck,” find your creativity, release emotional wounds, and regain your power.