Depression has nagged at me most of my life. Depression hit when i didn’t get the grades I wanted in school, when I didn’t get into the college social clubs, when I didn’t get the jobs i applied for, when i couldn’t make the money I wanted to make, or buy the car I wanted.


My personal experience with depression shows me the following —

  • Depression is an emotional, mental- mind- body- soul shutdown
  • Depression is deeply connected with your thoughts about your life

For instance, if you are thinking you can’t do something or will not be a success, or will never learn a skill, you become sad— depressed.

Depression is really an inner conflict – your thoughts are taking you in one direction, your emotions are taking you another direction, your spirit is pushing forward in a different direction

Your thoughts and feelings and Spirit guidance can lead to the physical chemical diagnosis of Depression

  • Depression is caused by the mental brakes you put on your life. Your feelings of I shall not ever be able to play the piano, sing, write a book, or do whatever you feel your spirit is pushing you to do.
  • Depression can be overcome through wise use of hormones ie brain hormones that support your nervous system regulation and shifting your thinking until you can change your mindset and personal self image.

Whether depression can be short term arising from not completing a certain task ie passing an exam, being fired, being sick and not healing as fast as you would like, or long term ie losing a career, a partner, not feeling fulfilled.

Losing a loved one to death is really grief and that has many elements of which depression is only one.

DEPRESSION QUIZ — Do you have it?


  1. Do you feel not “quite with it”?
  2. Do you feel sad, cry or notice you feel like crying a lot?
  3. Does life seem meaningless, dark, or gray?
  4. Does life seem numb?
  5. Do you want to be left alone and stay away from people?
  6. You don’t have energy and enthusiasm for the things you used to ie writing,  social life?
  7. Do you forget things? find it hard to concentrate?
  8. Do you have trouble getting to sleep and are in different sleep patterns? Or you feel tired all the time?
  9. Do you have thoughts about death?
  10. Have you lost your appetite?
  11. Have you recently lost someone close to you?
  12. Do you have recurring or chronic pain?
  13. Have you had an argument with your spouse or significant other and feel “down”?
  14. Are you anxious or agitated? restless or fidgety?
  15. Are you in fear?
  16. Do you feel lonely?
  17. Do you eat more sugar, drink alcohol, drink more coffee than usual?


From my experience, It is impossible to think your way through Depression. The more and harder you think the more stress you create in your body and nervous system, the deeper the depression becomes the more resistance you are creating.


I once heard a guru say that “Depression is blocked creativity.” That stuck with me— that was the kind of depression I had. If I could only find and be in my creativity, I would be fine, I thought.


My life experience has taught me that depression is another messenger. Your depression has a message also.

What is your depression trying to say to you?

What if it is a reaction to your life’s events that you buried subconsciously? 


Have you ever noticed that when you are around depressed people or family members you become depressed?

Depression energy can transfer from one person to another like a disease or a cold.

So it is extremely important to analyze what the depression is saying to you, in what tone, with what words, with what type of energy ie raging, poking, belittling.

This will help you determine if it is

someone else’s energy or

parental life admonition or

a subtle family ancestral message that

got stuck in your subconscious mind.

What if your depression was not all about you?

What if it is an inherited thought coming from parents?

In my sessions I look at the deeper meaning of your depression- the source, the intention. Then I energetically melt it away and synchronize all aspects of you.

Clearing them out of my life moved me into the greatest freedom and explosion of creative urges and ideas I could imagine.

It was totally awesome. You can have that dynamic hit of creativity too along with the energy and stamina to carry you to your dreams. It just takes a little mental house cleaning.